Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Eggy loved trick or treating.  Looooved it!  We had been practicing for a little while now so she was so excited to finally wear her costume and go.  
Practicing one more time:

 She had so much fun that she even made up a song about Halloween.  Or trick-or-treating.  Or her candy.  Or being a bird.  Maybe all of the above.  It was hard to understand her.

Ever since Eggy's Eemo told her the story of Little Red Riding Hood and she saw an episode of Max and Ruby where they told their own version of the story, Eggy decided she had to be Little Red Riding Hood.  Like probably even more than a month before.  I thought I'd have at least another year or two where I'd get to choose her costume but she had her mind made up.  
(Side story: She did say she wanted to be a puppy for couple days.  I took her to Target and showed her this costume:  
Oh my goodness, the look on her face was hilarious.  It was like, "What the hell is that?!"  And she said, "That's not cute.  Get me another one."  So then it was back to Red Riding Hood again.)
Anyway, she already said she wants to be a chicken next year.  What?  So random.  

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!


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