Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

July 5, 2011

Happy 4th!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Independence Day!
We went over to the hub's aunt's house where fireworks are legal.  Eggy had so much fun, running around, playing with her aunties (cousins?  I guess the technical term is first cousins once removed), and eating popsicles.
Eggy and O are almost 4 months apart.  Cute, no?  Don't let the above picture fool you.  They look like they're BFFs but Eggy must still be upset about the smackdown last year.  Even though O was quite affectionate and gave Eggy lots of hugs, Eggy wasn't ready to forgive.  And when O tried to give Eggy a kiss, Eggy leaned away.
  I guess Eggy had a good reason to be wary though because this picture?  
This is right before O punked Eggy and forced her out of the car.  Not only that, she also stole Eggy's corn on the cob that Eggy appah was feeding her.  

Anyway, Eggy loved the fireworks.  It was the first year where she was actually aware of all the excitement.  And she wasn't scared of the loud noises either.  Maybe because she was used to seeing the fireworks at Disneyland?  
It wasn't enough that Eggy was clapping.  She made sure everyone around her would clap too:  me, her dad, GooGoo.  Bossy.  
We didn't end up staying till the end.  Once the tree caught fire, it was time to go!  (It was a very very small fire.  But then I found out the neighbor's house really caught on fire.  Yikes!)  Plus, Eggy was getting tired and she even said she wanted to go home.  
And when she woke up this morning, the first thing she talked about were the fireworks and the "sprinklers" (sparklers).  


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