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July 7, 2011

Beach Day

Eggy appah had last Thursday off so we went down to Laguna Beach with halmeh in the morning.  It was perfect weather.  I don't think Eggy's been to a beach since we went to Maui last year so I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember what that was like.  But she seemed excited that we were going.

So even though Eggy seemed excited to see the water, she didn't really want to go in.  Which is good because I didn't bring a bathing suit for her.  I don't know if it was because the water was cold or because of the waves, but she didn't really like it.  But she did enjoy playing in the sand.   
Until she brushed the hair out of her face with her sandy hand and got sand in her mouth.  Yuck.  

Normally, I don't really like the beach.  I just like to look at it but I don't like being IN it.  Too much sand everywhere.  But this was a really nice beach, really clean, and I think we'll be bringing Eggy back again this summer.  She's already asked me to go to the beach a few times.


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