That means eggy is a quarter of a year old. Already? Cheese and rice!
Where she's at:
- More smiles! I love this. When she smiles really big, her eyes get all chinky and she gets this wrinkle in her nose. It always makes me laugh.

- She also likes to look at herself in the mirror. She always smiles at herself. Conceited!
- Rolling over. She did it again today but eggy daddy hasn't seen her do it yet. I don't know when she'll go from back to tummy, especially since she doesn't really like being on her stomach. But sometimes when she's on her back, she'll lift her butt and legs in the air and swing them to one side.
- She's also using her hands a lot more too. No, they're not just for snacking, eggy. She'll reach out to try to touch things sometimes. Her favorite seems to be this yellow fish rattle. She also likes Sophie. She's still got a ways to go on the coordination thing but she's getting there.

- She's a lot better at sitting up. We still have to prop her up but her neck control is much better, less wobbly. I want to get her one of those bumbo seats.

- We're still working on trying to get her to sleep through the night. sigh, that's a hard one. The worst is when she wakes up every two hours; it's like she's a newborn again. I've threatened to sell her on ebay but I don't think she's scared. Yeah, eggy daddy wasn't too happy about selling her.
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